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Hilarious AA Circuit Speaker Katie P.  

"Step 3; An Extreme Example of Self-Will Run Riot"

Hilarious AA circuit speaker Katie P. gives us an awesome talk on the third step, and some of her humorous examples of her extreme self-will run riot, even with 28 years sober! Anyone working a 3rd step will want to grab their Big Book, and heed her warning that she’s kind of like drinking from a firehose - You’re going to get more than you expect!


Her role at this conference is to speak on Step 3. She makes some insightful points about our “self” manifesting in various ways, and how the third step reveals to us the different ways that “self” shows up. And although counseling offers a lot of great things, “self” cannot fix “self”, and that’s why she sponsors half the country. is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous.

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