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AA Literature

Twelve Secular Steps: An Addiction Recovery Guide


Recovered PhD explains the biology of addiction and guides you through an effective 12 Step program that neither rejects nor promotes religion.

A Principle of Recovery: An Unconventional Journey Through the 12 Steps 


A guided journey through the 12 Step process. A Principle of Recovery is a look at sobriety through the eyes and heart of Jack Grisham--lead singer of the punk band T.S.O.L., and the author of 'An American Demon'. Grisham has been clean and sober since January 8th, 1989. This book cuts through the myths and misconceptions of what it is to live in recovery and gives us a glimpse into the freedom that being sober can bring. 

Daily Reflections


This is a book of reflections by A.A. members for A.A. members. It was first published in 1990 to fulfill a long-felt need within the Fellowship for a collection of reflections that moves through the calendar year--one day at a time.

Drop the Rock: Removing Character Defects - Steps 6 and 7


Resentment. Fear. Self-Pity. Intolerance. Anger. As Bill P. explains, these are the "rocks" that can sink recovery--or at the least, block further progress. Based on the principles behind Steps Six and Seven, Drop the Rock combines personal stories, practical advice, and powerful insights to help readers move forward in recovery. The second edition features additional stories and a reference section.

Steps and Stories


Did you know that Dr. Bob sponsored the first 13th stepper? Or that during the first Canadian convention in Montreal the nearby Seagram’s Distillery flew its flags at half-mast, or how the Serenity Prayer came into use with AA? Those and many other interesting stories are told about the history of Alcoholics Anonymous. 

Staying Sober Without God


Finally, a psychology-based approach to recovery that doesn't require faith in a god or supernatural being. This book will guide you through a series of 12 steps designed to free you from the patterns that keep you stuck in your addictive cycle.

Beyond Belief


Finally, a daily reflection book for everyone from Rebellion Dogs Publishing. Beyond Belief is the first secular daily reflection book written in a contemporary language for today's addicts and alcoholics in recovery. 

Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book Workbook


This workbook is intended to help people study the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. The author has been continuously sober since April 1, 1981 and is actually working his own Twelfth Step by sharing his own experience, strength, and hope that he personally gets from the "Big Book"of Alcoholics Anonymous. As he has often heard, "You can't keep it unless you give it away!" is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous.

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