, pub-1625953462699393, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Our Friends - Other Recovery Resources
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Dicobe Media is a full time broadcasting and media production company. Dicobe Media attends recovery conferences, professionally recording and reproducing talks.  These recordings can be purchased at the event, and on the website, in CD or .mp3 format.  These people work tirelessly, and travel all over the United States to bring you the speakers you love.  Although there are many free speakers to listen to online, it is of the utmost importance that we continue to support companies like Dicobe.  The best way to support them, is to buy speaker CD's when you see them at conventions, or order them online.  The best part is that they have BRAND NEW speakers!  We're not talking speakers from last year or even last month, Dicobe releases new speakers almost every week!  Once again, please click the link above to order from them, and to support their ongoing efforts.  


AA Speakers and More is a YouTube channel that hosts hundreds of recovery speakers from Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous, and Cocaine Anonymous. Whether you belong to AA, NA, Al-Anon, CA, or are brand new to recovery, our goal is to carry the message of recovery to anyone seeking help. Thank you for visiting our site!!    


Recovery Radio UK is a radio station based on helping people recreate their lives, and go from being trapped in the grip of addiction to living their lives drug and alcohol free. We aim to have talk based shows with live interaction & live music from recovered addicts within in surrounding city's, town's, and communities.


Take 12 Recovery Radio with Monty Meyer aka the Monty'man. The world's only 12 Step Focused Faith Based Recovery Radio Station broadcasting a unique recovery radio show every day of the week and recovery and positive Music 24/7. Interviews with 12 Steppers, Treatment Providers, Authors, Recording Artist in Recovery, Recovery Musicians, Celebrities and more. Recovery Workshops, Shows taped on location at recovery events around the world. Free downloads, Recovery Comedy Shows, Recovery Cartoons, Contest, Recovery Videos and an incredible line-up of recovery broadcasters all at

 is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous.

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